segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011

Leitura especial!!

Sou viciado em Dave Matthews Band!! Penso que é uma constatação óbvia.
Nos últimos 13 anos, nos quais esta dependência se fez sentir com maior evidência, foram vários os amigos, e conhecidos, que me perguntaram porque razão é que gosto tanto destes senhores. Foi igual o número de vezes que não consegui exprimir a razão porque me embrenho tão profudamente nesta música...
Pois bem finalmente vou conseguir fazê-lo!! Nikki Van Noy vai fazê-lo por mim... e na perfeição!

"Fifteen years ago, on October 2, 1996, I walked into Boston's Fleet Center, completely unaware that my life was about to change. To be honest, I wasn't all that thrilled to be there in the first place. I had a roommate in college who wouldn't stop talking about Dave Matthews Band (DMB) (...) I wasn't impressed. In fact, I found this Dave Matthews Band to be rather annoying. But I went to the show anyway, (...)
Two minutes into the show and saxophonist LeRoi Moore's horn work on the opening song, "Seek Up", I was mesmerized. Never before had I seen anything like what this band was doing onstage. Dave Matthews was pouring is soul into to the microphone, alternately expressing all the anger, love, and humor I felt at that strange point in my life, which found me just on the cusp-in limbo somewhere between teenagehood and adulthood. (...)
Despite the fact that I was in a major metropolitan sports complex with 19.599 other people dancing, screaming, singing and swaying alongside me, there was a bizarre intimacy to it all. I had found something that was mine. Not only did I feel as though I was completely at home (a feeling I rarely felt in those days), but for the first time I found a conduit that seemingly miraculously expressed all of the varied emotions that felt completely unique to myself at that point in life. I wasn't alone after all."

Nikki Van Noy, in So Much To Say - Dave Matthews Band - 20 Years On The Road

Cá está!! É isto que procuro dizer quando me interrogam sobre o começo desta pancada.

O livro está muito bom. Principalmente por assentar em muitos relatos de fãs.

(O facto de umas das 35 fotos escolhidas, para fazerem parte desta biografia, ter sido tirada aqui pelo Gajo, não faz de mim uma voz imparcial... faz de mim somente um fã super babado!! hehehe)

3 comentários:

Blue star disse...

Também gosto de Dave Matthews Band!
O Fã babado deve continuar orgulhoso da inclusão da foto no livro.
* * *

Rapunzel disse...

Vê lá se o levaste pra eu ver?!
Humpft... :P

Rapunzel disse...

E Parabens! :)